G.R Mapower follows the all the regulations in regards to the overseas policies of Nepal and overseas to help candidate fly to their destination for their jobs.
Short listed applicants undertake a pre-interview conducted by our human resource recruiting officer. The objective is to selected the right candidates. The candidates qualifying in the pre-interview will be prepared for the final interview.
The selected applicants in the pre screening are presented to the interviewer of the company representative for ultimate selection. In the applications need to be tested technically.
The selected applicants will be sent to a qualified clinic for the medical and psychological test to ensure that they are sufficiently fit physically and mentally before joining the company.
We provide the Resume of relevant candidates with our recruiting manager’s remarks. After approval and on receipt of the authenticated documents the selected candidates are sent for their medical test.
We introduce your company’s employment package and benefits, rules and regulations, and the host country’s culture, customs and traditions. We cover the do’s & don’ts and applicable law to your future employees.
To ensure prompt service, we arrange air tickets for the selected candidates and mobilize them for departure.
For more details, Please email us info@grmanpower.com.np
Required Documents
1. Demand Letter:
Briefing all details regarding the categories and quantities required. Please prepare this letter in company head with complete seal and signature and attest this document first from the “Chamber of Commerce and Industry” of the concerned country and the Nepalese Embassy.
2. Power of Attorney / Authorization Letter:
Authorizing the Agent in Nepal to act on the employer’s behalf. Please prepare this letter in company head with complete seal and signature and attest this document first from the “Chamber of Commerce and Industry” of the concerned country and the Nepalese Embassy.
3. Service Agreement:
Briefing the terms and conditions applicable to both the parties. Please prepare this letter in company head with complete seal and signature and attest this document first from the “Chamber of Commerce and Industry” of the concerned country and the Nepalese Embassy.
4. Contract Paper:
Job Offer Agreement for the candidate provided by the company showing salary and other benefits including food, accommodation, transportation, leave facilities, medical facilities, insurance, and air passage, etc. Please prepare this letter in company head with a complete seal and signature.
5. Guarantee Letter:
Providing guarantee to the Ministry of Labour, Nepal, stating that the stated workers will be working as per the attested documents provided. Please prepare this letter in company head with a complete seal and signature.
For Saudi Arabia
6. Consular Letter:
Authority provided to the Agent in Nepal to act on the employer’s behalf in the country where the embassy is located. Please prepare this letter in Company’s letterhead with complete seal and signature and then attest this document first from the “Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the concerned country”, ” Ministry of Foreign Affairs” and the “Royal Nepalese Embassy